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Meet Our Founder

Our founder, Warren Wilson, retired from two careers and began a quest to maximize his health and fitness. He started with a deep understanding of the connection between proper nutrition and overall health and fitness. As a passionate advocate for living a healthy lifestyle, Warren spends four days a week at the gym, and is continuously learning about the significance of a balanced diet.

In his own words, “I cannot overemphasize the importance of eating healthy. But I don’t want to just eat better; I want to achieve the best version of healthy eating.”

The Journey to Microgreens

Warren's quest for optimal nutrition began with growing beautiful lettuce using aquaponics (not to be confused with hydroponics). Over time, he discovered that there were more nutritious alternatives to lettuce, which led him to the world of microgreens.

While he appreciates the efforts of the aquaponics "lettuce people," he believes that microgreens can complement lettuce on many dishes, creating a perfect marriage of flavors and nutrition.

Microgreens: The Nutritional Powerhouse for Everyone

Microgreens are not just for serious health enthusiasts like runners, bikers, gym-goers, walkers, hikers, and swimmers. These tiny, nutrient-dense greens are for anyone seeking optimal nutrition and the perfect fuel to keep their bodies performing at their best.

Vegans, in particular, recognize the benefits of microgreens, which are grown from organic, non-GMO, heirloom seeds in safe, organically prepared seed beds. By embracing the power of microgreens, we can all work towards better health and well-being.

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John Doe
    John Doe


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    Adam Walkins
      Adam Walkins


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      Karen Watson
        Karen Watson


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        Jessica Kim
          Jessica Kim


          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

          Need Microgreens? Call

          817 368 4400

          At Gourmet Microgreens Farm, we are committed to spreading the word about the incredible benefits of microgreens, empowering individuals to make informed choices about their nutrition. Join us on this journey to explore the wonderful world of microgreens and unlock the secret to optimal health.